Planning a Family Calendar

Teenagers’ hectic schedules are no secret to their parents, and planning a family calendar can help manage the chaos. Their schedules are typically full of activities such as schoolwork, extracurriculars, family time, chores, and socializing. You have to keep a lot in check. How, then, do you ensure that they put their and your shared values at the forefront of their decision-making?

Creating a household schedule can aid in the organization of teenagers and younger family members. Knowing what to expect and having consistent family rituals are comforting to teenagers. Our goal in this piece is to provide guidelines for creating a household schedule that could work for everyone.

Get the Family on a Regular Schedule

The level of specificity you choose for your family’s schedule is a matter of taste. While some families plan out each and every minute of the day, others only plan out the week.

While teenagers may look and act mature, most still need guidance in developing the self-control essential for their future success. A daily schedule should be made for teenagers emphasizing sleep, schoolwork, and other responsibilities. In addition to providing teens with the structure they need to succeed in school, establishing (and maintaining) a daily family routine also helps them develop the skills they’ll need to establish routines on their own as adults.

Teens Should Stick to a Regular Bedtime Routine

Most teenagers need to get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night when they should. Sleep significantly impacts how our brains and behaviors mature and change over time. A lack of sleep can negatively impact teens. Perhaps they will be irritable and find it more challenging to learn. They increase their chances of being involved in a car crash when behind the wheel. Consequently, what can you do to ensure your adolescent receives the recommended sleep each night?

Start a timer.

Teens’ mornings are less chaotic, and they have more time to get ready for school if they set their alarms for the same time each day.

Encourage daily physical activity.

Teens (and grown-ups) who exercise regularly report sleeping better afterward.

Encourage them to cut down on or avoid caffeine altogether.

Instruct your teen to refrain from drinking any caffeinated drinks after supper. It may be more difficult for some people to sleep after consuming caffeine after lunch.

Make a plan for how you will relax at the end of the day.

At least an hour before bedtime, teenagers should refrain from using electronic devices and avoid exposure to bright lights. Suggest that your teen do whatever it is that helps them wind down and get ready for bed, whether that’s a warm shower, listening to music or a podcast, or reading a book.

Keep in mind that bedtimes are important.

Even though they may grumble about it, it’s best if your teenagers adhere to a regular bedtime routine (even on the weekends).

Make Eating Together A Regular Part Of Your Family’s Schedule

Keep things in order.

Try to eat at roughly the same times every day as a family, and push for healthy snacking at the same times for the kids. Drinks like soda, milk, and juice should be limited in favor of water, served alongside meals.

Just hang out.

Family meals should be eaten together whenever possible. You might want to suggest that everyone turn off their phones and the TV. Let’s all sit down together and share our day’s experiences.

Give your teen some responsibility.

Having your teen plan a meal, shop for ingredients, and prepare a meal for the family is helpful for the family and excellent preparation for when your teen becomes an adult. Preparing meals with the help of children of all ages increases the likelihood that they will try the food.

Try your hardest.

Motivate your adolescent to eat a variety of healthy foods, but don’t make them consume anything against their will.

Schedule Your Week With Your Family

Focus on the week’s larger objectives once you’ve mapped out the daily routine for your family. Create a to-do list of everything that must be done. Things like laundry, doctor visits, grocery shopping, sporting events, and family time are all examples of what this category could entail.

Gather close.

Schedule some downtime with your teenager and other family members to discuss and plan the upcoming week. Fix a timetable for completion and assign responsibilities. Review the strategy and make sure your adolescent knows what to expect (or her).


Make use of a shared calendar to delegate responsibilities. To keep everyone in the loop, you could use a shared calendar app accessible from their mobile devices, a whiteboard with dry-erase markers, or a simple paper calendar. The family calendar can be accessed by all members of the household, making it easy for everyone to keep track of their responsibilities and make any necessary adjustments. Mobile apps can serve as digital reminders for anyone (parents, teens, or both!) who might lose track of time.

Set aside some time on the calendar to have fun.

Establish family traditions and mark them on the calendar. Maybe you go out for hamburgers every other Tuesday or go on Sunday afternoon park tours. Pick out some fun things to do as a family that everyone can enjoy. The memories you make with your loved ones while participating in these traditions will last a lifetime.

You need to get up and move.

Both parents and teenagers can benefit mentally and physically from engaging in regular physical activity. Get out and run, do some yoga in your living room, join an exercise class via an app or YouTube, or take Fido for a walk! In whatever way you see fit.

Organize your time in advance.

Review the upcoming schedule for the next day with your loved ones each night. To keep everyone’s responsibilities front of mind, it’s important to make sure everyone is in the loop.

Assist one another.

When things get hectic, like when you have to work late or run an errand right after school, it’s helpful to enlist the aid of friends and family. In case they need assistance, have them contact you.

Maintain consistency.

Teens thrive in stable, consistent family environments where they know what to expect. Just as you work hard to maintain a consistent household policy regarding homework, grades, and discipline, you should also work hard to maintain a consistent household schedule.

Don’t stress if plans occasionally change or some responsibilities go undone. True story! Try your best, and that’s all that matters. You and your adolescent will benefit significantly from the structure provided by a daily schedule.

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