When To Expect The Cutest Baby Milestones

When it comes to your little one’s first-year milestones, some are too cute for words! From the first smile to the first steps, these moments are heartwarming and unforgettable. Find out when to expect the cutest baby milestones and celebrate each one of them with joy.

When you hear the phrase “baby milestones,” you likely think of the developmental milestones that a pediatrician notes in your child’s health record, such as rolling over, first steps, and first words. But, the cute pranks your child suddenly springs on you are equally indicative of their rapid mental and physical development.

This is a chronology of some “grab-the-camera” events and what they indicate about your baby’s growth and development.

From Birth to 8 Months OId

The first eight months of your baby’s life are filled with firsts! From smiling and laughing to eating their feet, the following are some delightful outcomes to anticipate.


1.5 to 2 months

What could parents forget the first time their infant flashed a gummy grin on purpose? Obviously, these “social smiles” are endearing, in contrast to the fleeting grimaces infants make when they are gassy. Nevertheless, they also indicate that the regions of your baby’s brain that govern eyesight and motor movements are activating.

A smile also demonstrates your child’s newly acquired social skills. Kids are beginning to comprehend the pleasant emotions a joyful face transmits and the fact that making one can get them a great deal of attention. Thus, encourage them by smiling at them frequently and acting astonished and happy when they smile back.


3 to 6 months

Laughing is innate, but your infant must also learn how to laugh. By this age, kids have heard laughter numerous times and have sufficient control over their vocal cords to recognize that they can laugh as well.

Don’t be shocked if their initial laughter resembles Flipper, with a staccato “heh-heh-heh” followed by a high-pitched squeak as they inhale. Their larynx is still tiny and flaccid, and they lack adequate control over it. Before the child’s first birthday, their laugh will resemble yours far more.

Blowing raspberry

4 to 6 months

If you’re like most parents, you’re almost as excited about your baby’s first words as you were about their birth. Hence, pay close attention: a baby’s earliest attempts at communicating begin far earlier than you may believe.

According to speech-language pathologist Amy Chouinard, M.A., CCC-SLP, co-author of Let’s Speak Together: Home Activities for Early Speech & Language Development, “blowing raspberries” is one of the first forms of communication. It indicates that the youngster is exploring with his mouth, which is a prerequisite for speech development.

According to Chouinard, not all infants produce raspberry sounds. But, according to a 2006 study, children who “blow bubbles” and exhibit other complicated mouth movements, such as licking their lips, likely acquire language more quickly.

Chouinard suggests, “So get close to your baby’s face and blow raspberries at him.” “If you do this, your child will attempt to copy you.” Blowing raspberries will encourage kids to experiment with various sounds, which is excellent practice for the formation of consonants, vowels, and eventually words.

Feeding on their toes

4 to 8 months

Eventually, you will likely notice your infant happily gnawing on their toes. That may be an unusual sight, but it represents a significant milestone. Their hands still need to be highly coordinated, but they are eager to discover more about the objects in their environment. Hence, infants investigate the world by putting objects in their mouths, including their own feet, whenever they discover them.

In addition to fostering bodily awareness, toe sucking is relaxing and gratifying for your child. Thus, do not discourage it; this phase typically passes by itself. However, do not worry if they never perform this trick; not all infants do.

8 to 12 Months Old

From 8 months to 1 year, your child reaches numerous physical and emotional developmental milestones. They are likely to begin imitating you and developing attachments to people and objects.

They’re brushing their hair or teeth.

8 to 10 months

One of the finest methods for your youngster to learn about the world is through imitation. Now that they can take objects, they will likely attempt to use some of your belongings. Your infant’s fine motor control is not developed enough to allow them to perform delicate tasks, but they can attempt to comb or brush their hair by holding a comb or brush to their head.

If your infant has access to a toothbrush, they may attempt to clean their gums and teeth. When they learn how pleasant the bristles feel on their gums, they may scrub their mouth for hours. Their grand finale may consist of throwing the toothbrush in the toilet.

Desiring a lovey

10 to 12 months

Not every infant develops an attachment to a lovey or comfort object at this age, but many do. You may be required to bring a plush animal on every outing.

Smile and, um, endure it. Your infant is currently achieving several major developmental milestones, such as learning to cruise and taking their first steps away from you. Thus, babies will feel insecure on occasion, which is where their comfort item comes in, be it a stuffed animal, blanket, or cloth diaper. They associate its softness with the affection they receive from you. It also gives your youngster something to grasp onto as they confront new problems in life.

Sharing kisses

10 to 12 months

Your infant has received numerous kisses from you. Now they may return fire. Their ability to bring their hand to their lips is a significant advancement. The infant’s arm muscles were clenched, and their hands were in fists upon birth. By eight months, though, everything has loosened enough for them to grip a bottle. Now that their control is so superb, they can place their palm to their lips and flick it away with a show of confidence.

Furthermore, your infant’s preference for showing affection is an indication of healthy emotional development. Try saying, “Blow a kiss!” and see if they do it; if they do, they have an excellent grasp of the spoken language.

12 to 18 Months

Once your infant passes the one-year mark and beyond, they will begin to explore engaging games and engage in physical activity. This is a sweet time, so savor these firsts between 1 and 18 months.

Playing peekaboo

12 to 15 months

You have likely been attempting to play peekaboo for months, initially to blank stares and later to polite “I’ll humor you” smiles. Nevertheless, things are about to change: Your youngster will ultimately join the game or possibly begin it.

Your infant is learning more than simple imitation: “object permanence.” In the past, if something was out of sight, it was also out of mind; now, infants believe that it ceases to exist. Now, if something suddenly vanishes — for example, if you duck under the couch – they wonder where it went and attempt to locate it. At this age, popping out and softly exclaiming “boo!” will thrill your child.

Going bottoms up

13 to 15 months

Why do children occasionally place their hands on the ground and then look through their legs while inverted? Their equilibrium becomes considerably more polished when they grasp walking. It is engaging for individuals to challenge themselves in novel and fascinating ways. Their visual development is also stimulated by an upside-down perspective. Additionally, there is the most vital reason: it’s enjoyable.


14 to 16 months

Expect neither the moonwalk nor the Macarena for the time being. Your youngster will likely only bounce up and down with their feet firmly planted on the ground. They may even support themselves with a chair or your legs. But, when they rock out, they demonstrate their improving motor abilities and ability to recognize the beat’s pattern. So join them in dance to encourage them.

Hugging and kissing

16 to 18 months

Your infant may have previously wrapped their arms around you or given you a kiss on command. So it seems they may now toddle over on their own to give you a spontaneous hug and kiss.

Your child’s feelings may become complicated as they learn more about the world. A portion of them desires to be fiercely independent, but the remainder wants reassurance that you are still there. So, the best response is also the simplest: hug them back.

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